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I'm Tav, a 29yr old from London. I enjoy working on large-scale social, economic and technological systems.

Using Trustmaps To Filter The Realtime Web

I am extremely pleased to announce the alpha release of Espra Trustmap. Trustmaps fulfill a real need on the web of knowing who to trust and for what. It allows for the creation of many useful things, including a PageRank for People and provides the infrastructure needed to overcome problems like information overload.

The super cool Trustmap development was done by James Arthur (@thruflo) as part of the Espra Iteration X development. It currently supports:

  1. Browsing Trustmaps through a Graphical Navigator.

    Espra Trustmap
  2. Adding users from Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Flickr or YouTube to your Trustmap using Contextual Identifiers, e.g.

    ~twitter:timoreilly or @timoreilly
  3. A Command-line Syntax which you can even use through Twitter!

  4. An Open API to manage trustmaps and query the trust data — allowing developers to create their own trustmap-based apps.

  5. A demo application — — which allows you to do Twitter searches across individual Trustmaps.

This is just the beginning — an alpha release on top of App Engine. It's part of a much bigger vision of an open source, peer-to-peer web platform and reputation economy. You can help out by supporting Espra!

To keep posted:

@tav @tav @tav
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And if you want to get involved in any way you can:

Apologies in advance for all the bugs — it's an alpha release after all and is mainly intended as a working proof of concept. I hope you like the direction it is heading in and look forward to finding out what you think.

I'd also appreciate it if you would help out by supporting Espra — Thanks!